Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cartoons. Show all posts


Life drawing by Artmagenta
In the head of the posing model:
Yesterday I locked myself out and had to call the locksmith


A soft pillow. Life drawing by Artmagenta.
In the head of the posing model:
- A soft pillow is worth gold


Life drawing by digital artist an illustrator Artmagenta
In the head of the posing model:
- Whenever there is a sale, I'm first in line

Why are people cheating when doing push ups?

Life drawing model doing push ups is a croquis by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
Push ups are tiring and cheating is common. Marion is using her head to rest.


Model with nightmare is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
In the head of Mary the model:
 -  I had a terrible nightmare last night:I dreamed I was walking around naked
among people who were fully clothed


Does superman jump or fly is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
In the head of the posing model: Sometimes I wish I were Superman and could jump high up in the sky


Modelling on an empty stomach is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagent

In the head of the posing model:

- Modelling on an empty stomach is bad. My stomach is screaming!


Counting down is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
Emma is counting down


Phone home is a life drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
The model was watching a film on her iphone during the whole  posing session

My signature had not yet dried

Hanging out to dray is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
The posing model hanging out my signature to dry


A demanding posture is a life drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
In the head of the model:
- If I regret something in life it is this demanding posture


Skipping breakfast is a life drawing by illustrator Artmagenta
In the head of the model:
- Right now I regret skipping my breakfast this morning

Dressed in pearls

Life drawing dress code is a croquis caricature by Artmagenta
In the head of the model:
- I feel so naked without my pearls

The Tarzan liana

Girl in rpoe is a life drawing by Artmagenta
In the model's mind:
- This is fun. I've got to get myself a rope

I spy with my little eye...

I spy with my little eye is a Life drawing by Artmagenta
...something beginning with L.
- It's a Life Drawing!

A body made of rubber

A body made of rubber. Croquis from
Todays model is Alice. This "flexible" girl is a dental nurse from Hyby 

Arguments should be naked

Agumenting is a life drawing by Artmagenta

How to to unravel the tangled thread

Unravel the tangled thread is a life drawing by Artmagenta
The model attempts to unravel the tangled thread

My favorite dress is a white wedding gown with long train and veil

Wedding gown is a life drawing by Artmagenta
In the head of the posing model:
- My favorite dress is a white wedding gown
with long train and veil

I'm going hiking with a body builder

Life drawing by Artmagenta
In the head of the posing model:
- Me and my boyfriend are going hiking.
Last year I had to carry his backpack the last miles