This weekend I'm gonna go fishing

Life drawing from
In the posing model's head:
- This weekend I'm gonna go fishing

I'll take a taxi home in about 2 hours

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
- I'll take a taxi home in about 2 hours

Wow, 6 pounds less than last week.

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
- Wow, 6 pounds less than last week.

Sometimes there's nothing to think of, just emptiness

Life drawing from
Inthe model's head:
- Sometimes there's nothing to think of, just emptiness

Something definitely went wrong with the booking of this evening's model

Life drawing from
Five models turned up! Quite hectic for us artists.
(jusT kidding: same model, several poses on the same paper)

Now I want a coke

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
- Now  I want a coke

I've lost my door key and have got to find a locksmith

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
- I've lost my door key and have got to find a locksmith