I'm a bus driver and prefer a big steering wheel instead of a joy stick

Qroquis sketch from a nude model by ArtMagenta
In the head of the posing model:
-  I'm a bus driver and prefer a big steering wheel instead of a joy stick.

It really is cold to sit on the floor

Life drawing from a nude model by ArtMagenta
In the head of the posing model:
-  It really is cold to sit on the floor.

One day I'll walk the cat walk WITH clothes

Croquis or Life Drawing from a nude model by ArtMagenta
In the mind of the posing model:
-  One day I'll walk the cat walk WITH clothes!

Someone has thrown a stick of gum on the floor

Life Drawing by ArtMagenta
In the head of the posing model:
-  Someone has thrown a stick of gum on the floor.

Lying postures are my speciality

Croquis by ArtMagenta
In the head of the posing model:
-  Lying postures are my speciality.

If the say 3 minutes, then it will be 3 minutes!

Life Drawing by ArtMagenta.com
On the mind of the posing model:
-  If the say 3 minutes, then it will be 3 minutes!

It's unfamiliar with so many eyes staring at my nude appearance

Life drawing by ArtMagenta
In the head of the rookie life drawing model:
-  It's unfamiliar with so many eyes staring at my nude appearance