Figure drawing fun card

Figure drawing greeting card by Artmagenta.
Figure drawing fun card by Artmagenta.

TAGS: Croquis card, life drawing card, figure drawing card, greeting card.

Figure Drawing Greeting Card

Figure drawing birthday card by Artmagenta

Figure drawing greeting card by Artmagenta.

TAGS: Croquis card, life drawing card, figure drawing card, greeting card.

Oh no, I forgot to feed the cat before I left home

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
- Oh no, I forgot to feed the cat before I left home

This posture makes me a bit unsure

Life drawing from
In the head of the posing model:
-This posture makes me a bit unsure

I hope it doesn't rain when I'm going home

Life drawing from ArtMagenta.
On the mind of the modell:
- I hope it doesn't rain when I'm going home

We are the winners...

Life drawing from
Body language

I'm missing a good TV show this evening

Life drawing from ArtMagenta.
In the head of the posing model:
- I'm missing a good TV show this evening