Dressed i a bowler hat

Life drawing model in bowler hat by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
Mona in her bowler hat
Bowler HatA hard felt hat with a rounded crown created in 1850 by Lock's of St James's, the hatters to Thomas Coke, 2nd Earl of Leicester, for his servants. Sometimes known as a derby hat.

Racing cyclist

Casquette is a life drawing by artist and illustrator Artmagenta
Matilda as a racing cyclist
CasquetteA casquette is a small-peaked cap often worn by cyclists.


Lifedrawing  by Ulf Artmagenta.com

Life drawing


Life drawing by Artmagenta


Croquis by Artmagenta

A body made of rubber

A body made of rubber. Croquis from ArtMagenta.com
Todays model is Alice. This "flexible" girl is a dental nurse from Hyby